Agronomix has been a market leader in plant breeding and variety testing software since 1990, and we are trusted by researchers worldwide, with over 100 citations of our software in scientific research journals to date!

Genovix® is our most recent innovation, and with a growing global client base in over 40 countries, it’s not only a dependable but a trusted industry solution. But why is that? Here are the top five reasons why Genovix® is the best software for plant breeders and variety testers. Don’t believe us? Read what our clients have to say!

Unparalleled Support

Agronomix is proud to provide support that is unrivalled by other providers of plant breeding and variety testing software. We understand that our software is often mission critical for our clients, so we take technical support very seriously. Our support team comprises of PhD plant breeders and IT professionals who are well-versed in and understand your industry and are proud to provide quality, timely support.

Our client base spans over 40 countries and growing, and we don’t let time zones get in the way of our service. We strive to respond to queries as quickly as possible, often within hours, thanks to the dedication of our expert support teams! In addition to responding to emails and phone calls, we frequently offer web sessions in which we work with you to precisely understand the problem and find a solution as soon as possible.

“In addition to the program’s polish and highly customizable capabilities, the support provided by the Genovix® support team is phenomenal. Always quick to respond to simple or complex questions, they have been instrumental in my adoption of Genovix®. Additionally, the online tutorials are very helpful when you need to brush up on a task or learn something new. I highly recommend Genovix® to anyone looking for a plant breeding software solution” – Nino Brown, Peanut Breeder, University of Georgia

Software Built in Collaboration with the Industry

For over 30 years, we have worked closely with our industry clients to develop powerful plant breeding and variety testing software that makes a difference to the real-world challenges you face. We don’t provide a one-size-fits-all product, but rather a niche and impactful solution tailored to unique industry challenges as well as your specific needs. Our close collaboration with clients has resulted in a suite of extremely useful features such as the ability to modify trials and experiments post-design, numerous data organisation options, universal naming rules, and much more, allowing for extensive customisation per breeders of different crops.

The Crossing Matrix tool displays parent data, enables mid-parent calculations, crossing criteria, allelic presence, and other features. This is a standard breeding ‘intelligence’ tool. Genovix’s industry-specific functionality offers a level of detail and specificity unmatched by any other software product in our industry. This is why many plant breeders and variety testers around the world choose Genovix® software.

“I appreciate the intuitive controls and tools that are clearly designed by plant breeders for plant breeders. It has been very easy to generate crosses, set up naming schemes for nursery selections, import field data, generate field books, design and map yield and nursery trials, then analyze the data all in one place” – Nino Brown, Peanut Breeder, University of Georgia

Strong Experimental Design & Analysis Tools

Genovix plant breeding and variety testing software allows you to easily randomise trials across many locations. For example, you can design a trial across 100 locations from a selection of many experimental designs or simpler nursery designs. Genovix® provides a unique tool to automate this as well as for a series of trails. Randomising one experiment at one location at a time is time-consuming but Genovix® makes this much quicker and easier for you!

In-built analytical routines, as well as R, means Genovix® offers numerous in-built proprietary statistical routines such as spatial nearest neighbours’ analyses which have been tested and proven over decades. Genovix® uses R routines as well for analytics and data visualisation, but also allows users to run their own R scripts.

“I must say that the improvements compared to the already efficient AGROBASE are many, and the ones I appreciated the most are the renewed Field Plan and the links to R, which allow us to perform many statistical analyses even for unbalanced data sets, and to adequately address the interpretation of genotype by environment interaction. I have a lot of compliments to the Agronomix developers for the excellent job they have done” – Gianfranco Mazzinelli, Breeder, CREA

Unleashing the True Value of Your Data

Many businesses face the challenge of not having the knowledge or capacity in-house to extract and visualize their data in a clear and sensible manner. Genovix® provides comprehensive data visualisation tools that enable you to unlock the true value of your data and make improved, more informed decisions. Unlock key values, identify trends, and better understand complex data by visualising it with biplots, heat maps, clustering, 3D graphs, and more.

“This software enables us easily to create proper experimental designs, collect large phenotypic data, do statistical analyses, share results with colleagues all over the world, and discuss them together, just in one cloud database! It must lead to better decision making in our breeding” – Haga Shunsuke/芳賀 俊亮, Brassica Prebreeder, TAKII Seed.

User Friendly Software Coupled with Online Learning

Genovix® has an E interface with ribbon bars, icons, and more that make the software extremely easy to use and learn and makes many activities quicker to complete. It is also extremely easy to import items from Excel into Genovix®, and the software’s familiar interface makes this much easier for users who have never used any software to import their data. The user-friendly interface of Genovix® is often recognised quickly within our demos and is a winning feature among our clients.

Though our plant breeding and variety testing software is extremely user-friendly, Agronomix have long recognised the value of continuous learning and in this new world, the value of online learning more specifically. We offer the opportunity to learn 100% online through our customised training course and online learning centre that contains over 200 different tutorials for our software systems.

Understanding which software solutions are available for your industry is important but knowing which are best suited to your specific requirements is even more important. Our deep-rooted understanding of and long-term dedication to the industry and our clients has allowed us to develop a powerful solution that is one of a kind in the industry. You can learn more about Genovix®, here. If you can’t find an answer to your question or would like to know more, get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to chat with you!
