Client Support

Services / Client Support

Client Support for Genovix


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To help clients overcome any “mental roadblocks” or concerns about using new R&D software, there must be an implementation plan. Successful implementation has many steps, but it certainly involves understanding the exact needs of the client. We take into account the crop or crops involved, where and how the clients’ data is currently stored, their data flow and requirements through each year or season, their objectives and expectations of the new software, specific needs for customization and related considerations. We can advise on deployment and software installation. As plant breeders ourselves, we understand the client’s needs.

Probably the most asked question regards importing the client’s past data, which is often in many disconnected spreadsheets over years. We recommend starting with the current year and as time allows, working back in time. Our software, as a fully relational database system, has many efficient import tools that begin to connect data and genotypes automatically. We prefer to have clients send us, in confidence, sample files which we will edit as needed in order to develop a starting database for the client. We then send the starting database to the client over the internet, along with details on edits to the files to optimize the data import.

Bug Reporting

A bug is software behaviour that deviates from the design, product manual or online help, and a bug is not something that occurs as a result of incorrect network setup.

If you discover a bug, please document the details with a print screen and submit it by email to providing us with the best account for the matter at hand. Reports can also be faxed to us. Regardless of how you contact us, we will address your concerns as quickly as possible.

Importing Data from Excel

Almost everyone uses Microsoft Excel and thus the various import tools when using AGROBASE Generation II. In order to avoid or minimize problems when importing data from Excel, please consult this PDF.


In response to our clients worldwide, we are adding new capabilities to AGROBASE Generation II. Accordingly, throughout the year there will be updates which are included as part of the AGROBASE license. As well as visiting our web site periodically, please do read the client newsletters to our clients, which note the major enhancements to AGROBASE throughout the year.

Older Versions

(Due to the age of these versions, download from our website is not available)

AGROBASE Generation II Version 18, and all prior versions (including AGROBASE 20, 21 & 95), are no longer supported by Agronomix Software. Please contact us for our current software licensing and data migration as needed to the most current solution.


To help clients overcome any “mental roadblocks” or concerns about using new R&D software, there must be an implementation plan. Successful implementation has many steps, but it certainly involves understanding the exact needs of the client. We take into account the crop or crops involved, where and how the clients’ data is currently stored, their data flow and requirements through each year or season, their objectives and expectations of the new software, specific needs for customization and related considerations. We can advise on deployment and software installation. As plant breeders ourselves, we understand the client’s needs.

Probably the most asked question regards importing the client’s past data, which is often in many disconnected spreadsheets over years. We recommend starting with the current year and as time allows, working back in time. Our software, as a fully relational database system, has many efficient import tools that begin to connect data and genotypes automatically. We prefer to have clients send us, in confidence, sample files which we will edit as needed in order to develop a starting database for the client. We then send the starting database to the client over the internet, along with details on edits to the files to optimize the data import.

Bug Reporting

A bug is software behaviour that deviates from the design, product manual or online help, and a bug is not something that occurs as a result of incorrect network setup.

If you discover a bug, please document the details with a print screen and submit it by email to providing us with the best account for the matter at hand. Reports can also be faxed to us. Regardless of how you contact us, we will address your concerns as quickly as possible.

Importing Data from Excel

Almost everyone uses Microsoft Excel and thus the various import tools when using AGROBASE Generation II. In order to avoid or minimize problems when importing data from Excel, please consult this PDF.


In response to our clients worldwide, we are adding new capabilities to AGROBASE Generation II. Accordingly, throughout the year there will be updates which are included as part of the AGROBASE license. As well as visiting our web site periodically, please do read the client newsletters to our clients, which note the major enhancements to AGROBASE throughout the year.

Older Versions

(Due to the age of these versions, download from our website is not available)

AGROBASE Generation II Version 18, and all prior versions (including AGROBASE 20, 21 & 95), are no longer supported by Agronomix Software. Please contact us for our current software licensing and data migration as needed to the most current solution.


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