
From our President

Agronomix Today is the newsletter and company update of Agronomix Software Inc.

Dear Seed Industry Colleagues,

I hope you are settling into 2019 well and the worst of your weather has passed, either extreme cold in the northern hemisphere or extreme hot in the southern. For the last two weeks I have been in Winnipeg at our Head Office connecting with the staff and unveiling some exciting new things which I will be sharing with you over the coming months. I, like much of North America, experienced some of my coldest ever Winter days (-48C with wind chill) and avoided going outside where possible. I wonder if living in France for the last 6 years has made me a little soft to the harsh Winnipeg Winters!

Corporate Art Gallery

Photos from KJLeonard.com
Images from Professional Photographer KJ Leonard (www.kjleonard.com)

While I was in Winnipeg I unveiled our corporate art gallery. Since we moved into the new building the walls have looked a little bare, I thought it was about time we changed that with photographs to drive creativity and inspiration. The photos are of crops and plants as well as places relevant to our Founder and CEO, Dieter Mulitze, PhD. All images are from a former Winnipeg resident and professional photographer.

Trade Shows

Every year we attend the usual industry trade shows: ASTA CSS, APSA, ESA and ISF. This year we have added a few more and are still waiting for more information on others. While I write this, our International Sales Representative, Zacharie Fowler, is at ASTA Veg and Flower in Orlando, FL (for which he said he is eternally grateful to us for getting him away from the cold for the weekend!) and our Founder and CEO, Dieter Mulitze, PhD is in Key Largo, FL to present AGROBASE Generation II to a select number of interested companies and universities.

Training Courses

DR. Dieter Mulitze, AGROBASE Training Course
Dr. Dieter Mulitze leads our Training Courses

We also have planned our usual training courses in Saint Louis, MO, starting Monday February 4; Winnipeg, MB, June 10-14 and Adelaide, Australia July 15-19. All of our courses are up to 5 days of solid training in plant breeding software. These complement our online Learning Centre and allow participants to ask questions from one of our experienced PhD-level Plant Breeders. The courses focus on navigating and setting up the software for your trial or breeding program and then we delve into Variety Testing, Plant Breeding and finally Seed Inventory. By May we will release the dates and locations for the 2020 courses. If you need a private course or one-on-one online training please contact us: service@agronomix.com. We introduced personal online training in 2017 which has proven very popular. When used in conjunction with our Learning Centre our clients find it a powerful complement to our training.

Software Development

In the last year we have added three new staff to our team. Two of the three are programmers and are already up to speed and working on new projects. What this means for our clients is new updates come with more features and we are in the best position to do software customization. Do you want a feature(s) unique to your organization or a personalized interface? Discuss your needs with us at support@agronomix.com. Furthermore, we continue to develop our software based on ideas, requests and requirements from our large user-base in more than 40 countries.

Plant Breeding Software Guru

Wood letters of Blog word with pencils

Last year we launched our blog www.plantbreedingsoftware.guru which contains company press releases, helpful articles and advice. If you have a request for an article to help you better understand plant breeding, variety testing, trials, experiments or plant breeding software, please feel free to email us at service@agronomix.com. Some of our most popular articles include:

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