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The pandemic doesn’t seem to be ending. At first, some may have thought that they can expect normalcy within the next months—or year, at most—but here we are, almost three years in. With the virus continuing to mutate, the world has to accept that there is no “going back to normal.”

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The new normal is no longer new—the once strange circumstances are now part of everyday life. Given that society has to live with COVID-19 for the unforeseeable future, it’s crucial to look at new working conditions as the standard. Rather than waiting until it’s safe to bring employees back to the office, it’s better to embrace work from home for a successful future!

The Work From Home Revolution

Life as we know it has been forever transformed by the pandemic. From socializing to shopping, every area of life is vastly different from how it was a few years ago. Work has particularly been significantly impacted by the changes caused by the global health crisis.

Today, a large number of people in a small space is no longer acceptable, leading to changes in the work arrangements the world has grown accustomed to. But, it’s not like companies can easily lay off several people to comply with the health regulations of the government.

Well, thanks to the advancement of technological tools, businesses can operate whether or not they have a traditional office! The pandemic placed remote working under the spotlight. Although working from home is nothing new, it’s undeniable that the pandemic sparked a revolution.

To put it simply, the way we work today works. With a few tweaks here and there, anyone can thrive in their professional careers without stepping out of their doors.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Whether you like it or not, remote work is here to stay. However, it’s not to say that this doesn’t come with disadvantages. Like with working from an office, there are pros and cons to working from home.

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Continue reading to learn about the good and bad parts of having a work-from-home lifestyle:

The Pros

  1. Increased Productivity

Many tend to have the idea that working from home means lazing around in bed and procrastinating on important tasks, but this is far from reality. Rather than encouraging slacking off, working from home boosts the overall productivity of the workforce.

Before the pandemic, employees usually had to wake up at the break of dawn, prepare for work, and travel to the office. Simple as this sounds, accomplishing all of these takes a few hours out of their day while also leaving them exhausted before the workday has even begun.

Remote work takes away the inconveniences of the old work life. Now, employees can save time and energy, allowing them to perform at their best. 

  1. Improved Communication and Collaboration

Distance is no longer an issue when it comes to holding meetings and collaborating with your team! Thanks to telecommunication tools, you can easily hold remote meetings or conduct daily check-ins.

Staying connected through the right digital communication platform allows you and your team to maintain human connections, get to know each other, and have more effective collaborations, building a company culture that your employees thrive in.

  1. More Flexibility

With workers no longer tied to the confines of an office, they can enjoy more flexibility and agility in their work. Tweaking your working arrangements may help meet certain business needs.

For example, letting some of your employees earlier or later in the day or during weekends will lead to better relationships with your clients. Since remote work allows for more flexibility, it will be easier to meet the needs of your work.

The Cons

  1. Incompatibility

Working from home sounds nice on paper, but not everybody sees it as a good thing. While many dislike reporting on-site, there are also some who would prefer not to bring their work home.

Working from home would be a dream if every employee had a suitable area in their house that’s conducive for working, but this isn’t the case. As such, some employees suffer from the difficulty of separating their professional and personal life, leading to problems with performance.

Moreover, a number of employees enjoy the routine and structure of working in an office. 

  1. Feeling of Isolation

Socialization is crucial to life—and working, in particular. While talking with your coworkers for longer than acceptable will risk overall productivity, every employee needs to interact with their colleagues for the sake of their mental health and the business’s success.

To prevent feeling disconnected from coworkers, it’s recommended to schedule regular meetings or team meet-ups. Although nothing can compare to in-person interactions, e-meetings will certainly help build camaraderie within the team.

Remote work has become the new normal. Given the many advantages of working from home, it’s no wonder many prefer it/ however, as this concerns your future, make sure to weigh the pros and cons of working from home so that you can have a bright future for your career from here on out.

Regi Publico Blogging

This article was written by Regi Publico Blogging on behalf of Agronomix Software. Regi is a full-time writer from Manilla, Philippines. She is as passionate about writing as she is about reading her huge collection of books
