Seed and Stock Inventory Software
Software for Plant Breeding and Variety Testing from
Seed and often stock (clones, cuttings) can be managed and tracked within a breeding or variety testing program.
Our software maintains multiple seed storage locations as well as multiple seed lots or stock per genotype and is fully
customizable for any crop’s traits. Seed lots can be based on weight or count, even both for the same genotype. Seed lots can be
imported or created from trials and nurseries and allocated for the next season or years planting. Allocation can involve plot size,
seeding density, seed weight, germination percentage and any other factor to calculate the amount of seed required for each genotype
for each plot across an entire trial and then generate a report listing the number of seed packets and total amount of seed required
for each genotype. Genotypic traits can be directly linked to seed lot or stock traits for optimal control and seed allocation
decisions. Reports, labels and barcodes support the many practical seed lot management tasks. As well as complete transaction control,
the seamless integration with our variety testing and plant breeding system expedites hybrid crops development and producing hybrid seed.