Introduction: The First Two Days
If you are new to the software, and would like training right from the beginning, then you would take the first two days for the most
basic introduction towards a foundational proficiency in using the software. You will learn many of the basic tasks, operations, features,
and capabilities of the software that are required for more advanced proficiency. This introduction emphasizes the "agronomic system" and
does not consider any of the modules. One very important topic is learning how to import your past data and experiments. By the end of the
two days, you will have your own "research group" (relational database) in AGROBASE Generation II, typically with some of your
own data.
Intermediate/Advanced: Days Three and Four
If you have a strong working knowledge of AGROBASE Generation II, or have completed the introductory first two days, then these next two
days will give you a good proficiency in doing basic data analysis, as well as the varietal comparisons, image display, and plant breeding modules. We will not assume any knowledge of statistics beyond the very basic. Day three focuses on data entry and analysis,
and working with stored means. The fourth day concentrates entirely on the plant breeding module. If you are not
interested in the plant breeding capabilities of the software, but only in data management and analysis for variety trials for example, then
you would take the first three days in the course. If your goal is to cover all the modules and learn the entire system, then you would take
the first four days.
Advanced: Days Four and Five
Day four focuses on the breeding system in depth. The fifth day focuses on seed inventory and how this module integrates with the rest of AGROBASE Generation II – especially in terms of breeding hybrid crops. As time permits and as per interest from the trainees, day five can cover a series of more advanced topics related to some of the modules, more advanced reporting techniques, development of more complex logical expressions and assumes a solid working knowledge of the software. Depending upon your proficiency in the software and your needs, you could take the last three days, thus moving from an intermediate to an advanced level of proficiency.
Which Days Should You Register For?
Beginners should take the first two days for sure, and then days 3 or 4 and maybe even day 5, depending upon their needs. More
experienced "intermediate" users can come for day 2 to 3, 4, or 5, depending upon needs. Users with considerable experience would
consider days 4 to 5, and maybe also day 3 as a refresher. For more information, see the five-day agenda. If you have any questions or need assistance in choosing the appropriate days of the
course, please contact us.
Available Courses